Day Graph
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  Day Hits % Bytes % Sessions Visitors Pages Errors
1 Sunday
59,948    11.8%
0    0%
6,214 2,624 15,138 5,550
2 Monday
87,303    17.2%
0    0%
7,179 3,230 18,397 6,365
3 Tuesday
94,378    18.5%
0    0%
7,411 3,356 17,329 7,009
4 Wednesday
92,707    18.2%
0    0%
5,707 2,539 12,873 5,804
5 Thursday
72,439    14.2%
0    0%
5,942 2,441 10,943 6,182
6 Friday
57,066    11.2%
0    0%
5,527 2,221 14,339 4,466
7 Saturday
45,071    8.86%
0    0%
5,029 1,923 10,926 3,136
72,701    14.3%
0    0%
6,144 2,619 14,277 5,501
7 Totals
508,912    100%
0    0%
42,913 8,495 99,945 38,512
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Help Card: Weekly
Report Overview This report provides a snapshot of traffic for each day of the week. Use this information to find the most popular days of the week, which could then be targeted for special features or promotions. It can also be used to find the most appropriate time for maintenance downtime.

Graph Description Vertical axis: Hits (default sorting)
Hits to the site on the corresponding day of the week. Changing the sorting options in Settings > Statistics will alter the vertical axis to the new sort method (Visitors, Bytes, etc). This report can be sorted/graphed by hits, bytes, sessions, visitors, pages and errors.

This report may be affected by world time zones. Many webservers generate timestamps in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+0), which may not be your local time zone. The time data in your logs can be adjusted to represent your local time zone, in Settings > Analysis > Options > Date range > Time adjust.

Horizontal axis: Day
Day of the week.

Red lines (if present):
HTTP errors (Page not found, server error, etc)

Table Description Day:
Day of the week being analyzed. Click on the hyperlink to view a detailed traffic report for the corresponding day.

Hits (%):
Number of hits generated on the corresponding day. (Percentage as a proportion of hits generated on all days of the week.)

Bytes (%):
Bytes transferred as a result of hits on the corresponding day. (Percentage as a proportion of bytes transferred on all days of the week.)

Total number of sessions undertaken during the corresponding weekly period. This number includes sessions undertaken by 'repeat' visitors. Note that he total of this column represents an overall session count for the entire period including those sessions overlapping weekly time periods. For this reason, the total of this column may appear smaller than the figure when adding up each row individually.

Total number of unique visitors who participated in one or more sessions during the corresponding weekly period. Note that this figure represents a unique visitor count, not a unique weekly visitor count (as a unique visitor for one week may return in another week). As such, the "Totals" value will be cumulative for the 24 hours and the overall total for individual rows may be more than in the Totals row.

Number of pages viewed on the corresponding day.

Errors generated as a result of hits to the site on the corresponding day.
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