The basic requirements are the same for both types of web sites.
A business related web site is a site that generates revenue or significant
savings in some way. You have a choice of three types of business web
Options for business web site design:
Company: A comprehensive web site that describes the company's products
or services. The Site could include helpful features such as FAQs (Frequently
Asked Questions), job opportunities, online customer support, company
mission statement, department profiles, current events, et cetera.
Online store: A web site that sells a line of products (at least five
products). The merchandise should be presented in an organized and attractive
way. Each product should be presented with a complete description and
price. A simple order form must also be included.
Online Information Service: A web site that performs a service. Examples
include movie review site, horoscopes site, and specialty newsletter.
Options for website on your favorite book or movie:
Make a website with information about your favorite book or movie.
To Do:
Highly suggested:Do sketches, or at least little thumbnail sketches, to brainstorm different ideas for your design. These will not be turned in for grade, but will help you plan the design of your site.
Option 2: Do 6 comprehensives(comps) for the site. See Comps below for details and see Comp Samples Here).
To turn in, please submit image files AND links to your figma file(if you used figma).
If you used something else, you can submit actual image files.
More Tips:
The wireframes or comps will be turned in for a grade. The Thumbnails will not.
Create a prototype for your site using comps or wireframes in invision or Figma. Again, you can use either wireframes OR comps for this. There will be video tutorials for creating prototypes in both Figma and Invision.
Be sure that you will be able to get the images for all concepts in
your proposal and storyboard. In other words, choose a subject you can find content for.
Make sure to choose proper graphics, text and colours for the intended
Apply HTML features you have been learning through lectures and tutorials
Combine the use
of HTML and Image Editing software
Beta Test the site (No formal Beta Test this semester. See below.)
Develop comps that shows your intentions for your design
The website is 5 pages minimum, but you are encouraged to do more if you want. You only have to do wireframes for 5 screens, 2 for each screen, however.
Create your wireframes in figma, photoshop, sketch, Adobe Xd, or whatever app you want. I would recommend using figma, however, since it becoming a popular tool and there is an instructional video on the videos page.
Note: You will probably be using Figma for Assignment 17 and 17.5. Figma was just updated June 2024, and it looks a little different from the videos, but you should be able to use it in the same ways for Assignments 17 and 17.5. See this video, Introduction to Figma, for an.. introduction to figma :)
As with figma, you do need 10 wireframes or 6 comps to create the prototype.
General Project Description above. Make sure to use the current instructions on this page.
Specs (10 points):
The Minimum
Requirements Are
5 Pages, with a desktop and a mobile version for each screen
Valid code - make sure to validate at and
1 form
CSS used for all
layout and positioning of content, except where tables are appropriate
At Least 3 Images that you created or edited in some way.
For example, you downloaded a free stock photo image and cropped and/or resized it, then you OPTIMIZED it when saving a new version. You may also use other images from the internet as you found them, IF they are already the right size, etc. What we don't want is EVERY image is exactly the same as you found it on the internet. We want to make sure everyone knows how to do minimal editing and optimizing of images. Note:Optimizing means making the images as small as possible in file size, but they still look good, and not overly compressed.
Do NOT use any template webpages found on the internet as a starting point. You can use our exercises and code snippets as components and as a starting point, but please create your own pages. Also, please do not use any of our exercises with superficial changes as your final project. You can use pieces of things, but not just make a few changes to content and styles. Please ask if that is confusing :)
Important Notes on Layout for the Final Project:
You are encouraged to use Flexbox when possible for creating columns, and perhaps CSS Grid, but we will not be covering CSS Grid in detail in this class. You have and will see flexbox used for layout in some of the exercises, like exercise 18.
Please DO NOT copy an exercise as is for your Project. The idea is to practice coming up with new layout and design solutions, instead of just copying an exercise. You CAN use SOME of the techniques and code from exercises in the project though, just not a close copy of any whole exercise.
Detailed information on Flexbox and CSS Grid is in Learning Web Design Ch. 16. CSS Grid is covered in the GDS 46 Web Design and Development 2 class.
The web site must look professional, well organized, and stylistically
It is important that you use the time allotted for the assignment
Make sure that the design fits the content.
Think about your target audience and their expectations.
Design & Finesse:
(Refer to point totals at top of page)
Communicate the message
Design fits the content
Proper optimization of images
Good composition of pages
Good colour harmony
Good functionality/usability
Intuitive and functional navigation
Type should be legible, use appropriate fonts for the design
Prototype using figma OR invision and either wireframes or comps
Layout - Desktop and Mobile
Use of graphics/Optimization
Message Design/Communication
Overall Design
TOTAL POINTS(points might be adjusted certain semesters)
User Testing
No formal Beta Test required this semester.
Important Notes:
It is a good idea, however, to show your work to other people throughout the design process to get a fresh perspective on what you are doing. You can't really tell how well your design is working for users because you made the site. You know how it works already. Explore whether other people 'get' your site, if they see what you want them to see, and how well they can use your site. You can do this all the way through the process from sketches to comps(image based mockups) to working versions.