GDS 45 • Final Project

Project Grading Scale Possible
Creative Brief, Comps OR Wireframes 10
Prototype using invision and either wireframes or comps 5
Interactive Design/Navigation 5
Screen Layout 5
Color Selection/Use 5
Text design/Typography 5
Use of graphics/Optimization 5
Message Design/Communication 5
Scope 5
Specifications 10
Overall Design 10
Beta test 10


See Due dates on the class main page.


  • Create a business related web site, or
  • Create a website on your favorite book or movie.
  • See samples here

The basic requirements are the same for both types of web sites.

A business related web site is a site that generates revenue or significant savings in some way. You have a choice of three types of business web sites:


  • Company: A comprehensive web site that describes the company's products or services. The Site could include helpful features such as FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), job opportunities, online customer support, company mission statement, department profiles, current events, et cetera.
  • Online store: A web site that sells a line of products (at least five products). The merchandise should be presented in an organized and attractive way. Each product should be presented with a complete description and price. A simple order form must also be included.
  • Online Information Service: A web site that performs a service. Examples include movie review site, horoscopes site, and specialty newsletter.


  • Make a website with information about your favorite book or movie.

To Do:

Develop wireframes that show the layout and content for your design

  • Give me digital files.(psd, jpeg, pdf, or powerpoint)
  • Someone should be able to look at the wireframes and see the layout, links and content on a given page, but not design choices like fonts and colors.
  • The more actual copy(text) that is used in the wireframes, the better.
  • See more example wireframes here

Develop comps that shows a complete version of your intentions for your design

  • Look at examples from previous classes.
  • Give me digital files.(psd, jpeg, pdf, or powerpoint)
  • Comps should be in correct aspect ratio(shape) for the intended layout.
  • The comps should look as close as possible to your final website, including content where possible.
  • Comps should be of high enough quality to present to an actual client.

You will present your wirefmes OR your comps in a prototype in invision

  • Make sure you signed up for an invision account using your Mission email address.
  • I will send the list of emails to invision for a free upgrade of student accounts.

Specs (10 points):
The Minimum Requirements Are

  • 5 Pages
  • Valid code - make sure to validate at and
  • 1 form
  • CSS used for all layout and positioning of content, except where tables are appropriate
  • At Least 3 Images not acquired from the Internet (should be original or scanned). You may also use images from the internet.
  • Do NOT use any template webpages found on the internet as a starting point. You can use our exercises and code as components and as a starting point, but create your own page.


  • The web site must look professional, well organized, and stylistically consistent.
  • It is important that you use the time allotted for the assignment wisely.
  • Make sure that the design fits the content.
  • Think about your target audience and their expectations.

Design & Finesse:
(Refer to point totals at top of page)

  • Communicate the message
  • Design fits the content
  • Proper optimization of images
  • Good composition of pages
  • Good colour harmony
  • Good functionality/usability
  • Intuitive and functional navigation
  • Type should be legible, use appropriate fonts for the design
  • Final Presentation to the class

Beta Test:
You will conduct a test of your site to determine, among other things:

  1. How well it fulfills it's goals and communicates ideas.
  2. The quality of the design.
  3. The technical quality of the site.

Refer to the beta test information and form in your HTML Handout, and/or download information on the beta tests.
Get Beta Test Help/Description.
Get Beta Test Form.