Browser Graph
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Browsers / Operating Systems
  Browser Hits % Bytes % Win Mac Unix Visitors Pages Errors
1 Mozilla 37.0
62,355    17.8%
0    0%
49,309 9,855 2,432 987 2,620 3,014
2 Mozilla 38.0
54,182    15.5%
0    0%
37,521 13,038 3,307 890 2,113 3,235
3 Mozilla 32.0
50,214    14.4%
0    0%
40,106 9,975 132 523 1,868 4,130
4 Netscape 5.0
46,050    13.2%
0    0%
30 6 117 1,637 33,798 5,955
5 Mozilla
33,550    9.59%
0    0%
32,179 1,371 0 432 1,747 492
6 Mozilla 33.0
12,204    3.49%
0    0%
11,432 554 218 145 650 968
7 Mozilla 7.0
12,035    3.44%
0    0%
524 11,511 0 346 371 1,449
8 Mozilla 31.0
9,610    2.75%
0    0%
7,356 2,215 21 123 291 1,130
9 Mozilla 7.1
8,863    2.53%
0    0%
0 8,862 0 152 212 738
10 Mozilla 8.0
8,363    2.39%
0    0%
72 8,287 4 208 404 1,981
11 Explorer 10.0
8,269    2.36%
0    0%
8,269 0 0 141 163 334
12 Explorer 7.0
4,768    1.36%
0    0%
4,768 0 0 317 875 37
13 Explorer 9.0
4,135    1.18%
0    0%
4,135 0 0 120 165 137
14 Mozilla 24.0
3,987    1.14%
0    0%
3,983 0 4 8 212 121
15 Mozilla 29.0
3,821    1.09%
0    0%
1,918 1,903 0 51 216 344
16 Mozilla 36.0
3,721    1.06%
0    0%
3,577 134 9 159 290 88
17 Mozilla 35.0
2,854    <1%
0    0%
2,850 4 0 62 239 137
18 Mozilla 5.1
2,800    <1%
0    0%
884 1,916 0 93 185 503
19 Mozilla 6.0
2,383    <1%
0    0%
171 2,212 0 923 750 342
20 Mozilla 6.1
2,366    <1%
0    0%
0 2,366 0 43 69 348
21 Explorer 8.0
2,241    <1%
0    0%
2,241 0 0 104 178 25
22 Explorer 6.0
1,436    <1%
0    0%
1,436 0 0 173 1,047 306
23 Mozilla 22.0
1,169    <1%
0    0%
1,074 95 0 70 187 78
24 Mozilla 27.0
1,132    <1%
0    0%
864 213 53 92 283 57
25 Mozilla 30.0
1,011    <1%
0    0%
623 86 302 34 21 91
26 Mozilla 4.0
703    <1%
0    0%
3 0 700 70 49 66
27 Mozilla 26.0
694    <1%
0    0%
287 4 403 46 113 140
28 Mozilla 16.0
618    <1%
0    0%
59 559 0 13 24 109
29 Mozilla 23.0
545    <1%
0    0%
1 544 0 10 13 57
30 Mozilla 34.0
364    <1%
0    0%
361 3 0 38 34 31
31 Mozilla 39.0
338    <1%
0    0%
309 29 0 5 4 4
32 Mozilla 13.0
303    <1%
0    0%
303 0 0 11 22 25
33 Mozilla 21.0
228    <1%
0    0%
91 134 3 62 102 10
34 Mozilla 19.0
213    <1%
0    0%
213 0 0 2 4 2
35 Mozilla 28.0
209    <1%
0    0%
110 97 2 63 114 3
36 Mozilla 40.0
200    <1%
0    0%
186 14 0 9 0 7
37 Mozilla 1.6
179    <1%
0    0%
0 0 179 8 3 31
38 Mozilla 5.0
173    <1%
0    0%
6 167 0 24 99 6
39 Mozilla 4.2
171    <1%
0    0%
0 151 20 31 9 0
40 Mozilla 1.0
144    <1%
0    0%
144 0 0 84 38 0
348,601    99.7%
0    0%
218,071 76,474 8,054 8,309 49,582 26,531
43 Others
1,143    <1%
0    0%
Others Others Others 303 342 148
4,213    1.20%
0    0%
2,627 921 97 103 601 321
83 Totals
349,744    100%
0    0%
218,071 76,474 8,054 8,612 49,924 26,679
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Help Card: Browsers / Operating Systems
Report Overview This report shows the web browsers (and their version number) being used by site visitors to make hits to your site, along with the operating system they are running on. By knowing the most popular browser types, you can determine the feasibility and appropriateness of using browser-specific features in your web content, such as frames, javascript or cascading style sheets.

Additionally, there may be operating system-specific issues that need to be taken into consideration. Furthermore, different operating systems tend to represent different types of visitors, which should be taken into consideration when planning future site content.

Graph Description Vertical axis: Hits (default sorting).
Hits that were made by a visitor using the corresponding browser / operating system combination. Changing the sorting options in Settings > Statistics will alter the horizontal axis to the new sort method. This report can be sorted/graphed by hits, bytes, visitors, pages or errors.

Horizontal axis: Browser.
Name of the web browser being analyzed, along with its version number.

Colored bars:
Representative of the three main operating systems: Windows, Macintosh and Unix. The colors correspond with the key in the top-right corner of the graph.

Table Description Browser:
Name of the web browser being analyzed, along with its version number.

Hits (%):
Total number of hits to the site by visitors using the corresponding browser. (Percentage as a proportion of hits from all browsers.)

Bytes (%):
Raw bytes transferred as a result of hits to the site by visitors using the corresponding browser. (Percentage as a proportion of bytes transferred from all browsers.)

Number of hits to the site by visitors using the corresponding web browser on a Windows operating system.

Number of hits to the site by visitors using the corresponding web browser on a Macintosh operating system.

Number of hits to the site by visitors using the corresponding web browser on a Unix operating system.

Number of site visitors who used the corresponding browser. This figure includes repeat visitors, so the total amount may appear higher than expected.

Number of pages viewed using the corresponding browser.

Number of server errors generated as a result of hits to the site by visitors using the corresponding browser.
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