Media Player Graph
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Media Players
  Media Player Hits % Bytes % Visitors Errors
1 QuickTime 7.7.1
276    48.3%
0    0%
2 0
2 WindowsMedia 12.0
201    35.2%
0    0%
6 0
3 QuickTime 7.7.3
51    8.93%
0    0%
8 0
4 WindowsMedia 1.0
43    7.53%
0    0%
7 0
142    24.9%
0    0%
5 0
4 Totals
571    100%
0    0%
23 0
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Help Card: Media Players
Report Overview This report shows the most popular programs being used to access media files on your server. Use this information to ensure future media content development is for the more popular media players.

Graph Description Vertical axis: Media Player.
Name of the media player being analyzed.

Horizontal axis: Hits (default sorting).
Hits to the site using the corresponding media player. Changing the sorting options in Settings > Statistics will alter the horizontal axis to the new sort method. This report can be sorted/graphed by hits, bytes, visitors and pages.

Red lines (if present):
HTTP errors (Page not found, server error, etc)

Table Description Media Player:
Name of the media player being analyzed.

Hits (%):
Number of hits to the site by visitors using the corresponding media player. (Percentage as a proportion of hits from all media players.)

Bytes (%):
Raw bytes transferred as a result of hits to the site by visitors using the corresponding media player. (Percentage as a proportion of bytes transferred from all media players.)

Number of site visitors who used the corresponding media player. This figure includes repeat visitors, so the total amount may appear higher than expected.

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