Time Online Graph
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Time Online
  Time Online Hits % Bytes % Pages Visitors
1 1 min
135,038    3.28%
0    0%
23,056 20,356
2 2-4 mins
438,461    10.6%
0    0%
33,674 10,770
3 5-9 mins
207,532    5.03%
0    0%
27,914 3,014
4 10-29 mins
289,268    7.02%
0    0%
40,843 2,642
5 30-44 mins
127,360    3.09%
0    0%
18,055 574
6 45-59 mins
118,882    2.88%
0    0%
15,635 442
7 60+ mins
2,805,921    68.1%
0    0%
542,199 1,813
588,923    14.3%
0    0%
100,196 5,658
7 Totals
4,122,462    100%
0    0%
701,376 39,611
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Help Card: Time Online
Report Overview This report shows the average amount of time spent on your web site. Assess this information in light of your site content. Certain types of content will require only a quick session, however, sites with pages that go extremely deep should be experiencing longer session times. This report will be affected by the session timeout (minimum length) value, specified in Settings > Statistics > Global > Sessions.

Graph Description Vertical axis: Time Online.
The average amount of time visitors spent on your site.

Horizontal axis: Visitors (default sorting).
Changing the sorting options in Settings > Statistics will alter the horizontal axis to the new sort method. This report can be sorted/graphed by hits, bytes, pages or visitors.

Red lines (if present):
HTTP errors (Page not found, server error, etc)

Table Description Time Online:
The average amount of time visitors spent on your site.

Hits (%):
Number of hits to the site by visitors who visited your site for the corresponding time period. (Percentage as a proportion of hits from all time periods.)

Bytes (%):
Raw bytes transferred as a result of hits to the site by visitors who visited your site for the corresponding time period. (Percentage as a proportion of bytes transferred by hits from all time periods.)

Number of pages viewed by visitors who visited your site for the corresponding time period.

Number of site visitors who visited your site for the corresponding time period.
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