Time Graph
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  Time Hits % Bytes % Sessions Visitors Pages Errors
1 00:00 - 00:59
10,230    4.88%
0    0%
1,303 985 2,972 693
2 01:00 - 01:59
9,539    4.55%
0    0%
1,340 1,015 2,450 580
3 02:00 - 02:59
10,290    4.91%
0    0%
1,301 979 2,588 689
4 03:00 - 03:59
12,866    6.13%
0    0%
1,303 1,009 2,825 919
5 04:00 - 04:59
11,233    5.35%
0    0%
1,278 973 2,155 836
6 05:00 - 05:59
9,270    4.42%
0    0%
1,248 954 2,251 856
7 06:00 - 06:59
9,699    4.62%
0    0%
1,221 911 2,027 596
8 07:00 - 07:59
9,634    4.59%
0    0%
1,240 937 2,429 536
9 08:00 - 08:59
7,906    3.77%
0    0%
1,121 841 2,233 859
10 09:00 - 09:59
7,958    3.79%
0    0%
1,166 890 2,671 737
11 10:00 - 10:59
7,721    3.68%
0    0%
1,042 759 3,501 410
12 11:00 - 11:59
7,743    3.69%
0    0%
1,091 847 2,873 595
13 12:00 - 12:59
5,878    2.80%
0    0%
1,097 796 3,317 592
14 13:00 - 13:59
5,520    2.63%
0    0%
1,195 882 2,280 396
15 14:00 - 14:59
5,654    2.70%
0    0%
1,137 845 2,179 437
16 15:00 - 15:59
6,845    3.26%
0    0%
1,219 914 2,383 400
17 16:00 - 16:59
6,731    3.21%
0    0%
1,200 906 2,362 747
18 17:00 - 17:59
6,500    3.10%
0    0%
1,332 1,015 2,198 739
19 18:00 - 18:59
9,485    4.52%
0    0%
1,294 952 2,199 1,016
20 19:00 - 19:59
7,785    3.71%
0    0%
1,305 963 2,279 675
21 20:00 - 20:59
12,964    6.18%
0    0%
1,331 998 2,234 826
22 21:00 - 21:59
10,406    4.96%
0    0%
1,322 992 2,353 464
23 22:00 - 22:59
9,553    4.55%
0    0%
1,305 981 2,102 555
24 23:00 - 23:59
8,358    3.98%
0    0%
1,335 987 2,373 645
8,740    4.17%
0    0%
1,238 930 2,468 658
24 Totals
209,768    100%
0    0%
26,706 4,353 59,234 15,798
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Help Card: Hourly
Report Overview This report provides a snapshot of traffic for each hour of the day. Use this information to find the most popular hours, which can be used to determine when system uptime is most crucial.

This report may be affected by world time zones. Many webservers generate timestamps in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+0), which may not be your local time zone. The time data in your logs can be adjusted to represent your local time zone, in Settings > Analysis > Options > Date range > Time adjust.

Graph Description Vertical axis: Hits (default sorting).
Number of hits to the site. Changing the sorting options in Settings > Statistics will alter the vertical axis to the new sort method (Visitors, Bytes, etc). This report may be sorted by hits, bytes, sessions, visitors, pages or errors.

Horizontal axis: Time
The hourly periods of a day.

Red line (if present):
HTTP errors (Page not found, server error, etc)

Table Description Time:
The hourly period as the focus of this report.

Hits (%):
Number of hits to the site during the corresponding hourly period. (Percentage as a proportion of hits to the site during the day's 24 hours.)

Bytes (%):
Number of bytes transferred as a result of hits to the site during the corresponding hourly period. For readability, these values may be suffixed with kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB), where applicable. (Percentage as a proportion of bytes transferred during the day's 24 hours.)

Total number of sessions undertaken during the corresponding hourly period. This number includes sessions undertaken by 'repeat' visitors. Note that he total of this column represents an overall session count for the entire period including those sessions overlapping hourly time periods. For this reason, the total of this column may appear smaller than the figure when adding up each row individually.

Total number of unique visitors who participated in sessions during the corresponding hourly period. Note that this figure represents a unique hourly visitor count, not a unique daily visitor count (as a unique visitor for one hour may return in another hour). As such, the "Totals" value will be cumulative for the 24 hours and the overall total for individual rows may be more than in the Totals row.

Number of pages viewed during the corresponding hourly period.

Number of server errors generated as a result of hits to the site during the corresponding hourly period.
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