NAEYC PDI 2013 Report

Marsha Chan, Mission College, Santa Clara, CA

I attended the NAEYC PDI 2013–National Association for the Education of Young ChildrenŐs Professional Development Institute–held in San Francisco June 2013

I presented a session Meeting the English Language Needs of Parents and Child Care Professionals with Julaine Rosner.

In addition, I attended many sessions, at which I took copious notes. I audio-recorded the sessions and did some editing of the sound files, such as increasing volume on questions from the audience. Any errors in note-taking should be attributed to me and not to the presenters. I share this information with all interested parties.

Each link below takes you to my notes and to links to the audio files.

1.     Mastering Math! One communityŐs strategy to support college students in completing mathematics requirements of early childhood associate degrees (with 1 audio file)

2.     NAEYC Asian Interest Forum presents international early language and literacy development: supporting young children in language and literacy development in the global age (with 1 audio file)

3.     NAEYC Research informing practice to support children's emotion regulation and executive functioning (with 3 audio files)

4.     Strategies for teaching teachers about social-emotional development and the guidance of young children (with 1 audio file)

5.     A collaborative system for DAP training and support: Promoting the implementation of CaliforniaŐs preschool learning foundations and frameworks (with 2 audio files)

6.     NAEYC Research Symposium: Meeting the Needs of Dual Language Learners (with 1 audio file)

7.     DAP for College Students: Creating a Caring Community of Learners in the Higher Education Classroom (with 1 audio file)

8.     Meeting the English Language Needs of Parents and Child Care Providers