Assignment 4 - Shutter Speed and Depth of Field
Here are the requirements and instructions
Shoot photos of 2 different scenes exploring the effect of shutter speed and changes in depth of field.
- Make sure to watch the intro video Shutter Speed/Depth of Field Assignment Intro
It's on this page too :) - Also see the Using Exposure Modes video again, so you know the benefits of using Shutter Priority Mode for the 5 Shutter Speed images, and Aperture Priority mode for the 5 Depth of Field images.
- Also, make sure to shoot original images for each assignment.
- Do NOT use older images that you shot before the class.
- Do not shoot these Images at Mission College. Use different locations.
- Look at examples here.
- Scene 1:
Shoot images with different shutter speeds. You should have images with a slow shutter speed, like 1/15 second, and a fast shutter speed, like 1/500 second.- These 5 images can be of the same scene, or even the same exact composition, just with different shutter speed settings.
- Set your camera to Shutter Priority mode if it has that setting.
- The aperture will change to compensate for faster or slower shutter speeds.
- This part of the exercise will work best on subjects that are moving.
- Scene 2:
Shoot images with different apertures. You should have some images where you used a small aperture, and some with a large aperture.- These 5 images can be of the same scene or composition, with different depths of field evident in the shots.
- Set your camera to Aperture Priority if it has that setting.
- The shutter speed will change to compensate for smaller or larger apertures.
- This part of the exercise will work best on scenes with objects in the foreground and background.
- If you do not have direct control of shutter speed and aperture, like on a point and shoot, try to use the controls you do have, like scenes, or factors like the distance to your subject to change the depth of field. Some scenes, like sports for example, might use a faster shutter speed. You will need to experiment. Use your manual to figure out the effect of different scene settings.
Video Description of the Assignment
To Turn in
- Turn in exactly 5 images that show different shutter speeds and exactly 5 images that show different depth of field.
- Please shoot new images for all assignments. Do not turn in old images you have taken previously.
- Using Bridge or Lightroom Classic, resize your images to a maximum dimension of 1200 pixels wide or 1200 pixels high
- Again, to use Adobe Bridge to resize and export, you can refer back to the video Downloading, Resizing, Exporting and Renaming Images in Adobe Bridge
- You can also import into Lightroom Classic instead of Bridge, and export from Lightroom Classic, following the procedures in the video Importing and Exporting files with Lightroom. Use the same 1200x1200 pixel size from above in the export window, but use quality 70 instead of 7(The Lightroom quality slider goes to 100!)
- Make sure your images are named like this:
firstname_lastname_assign4_datecreated_imagenumber.jpg - Watch the video on image processing or use bridge to rename files quickly
- Use your own name and date of course.
- Put your 10 images only in a folder named firstname_lastname_assign4(use your name), zip the folder and drop them into the Canvas drop box for the assignment. It is important to name your folder correctly BEFORE you zip it to send, so I know who's folder it is.
- Check the calendar for Due dates.