GDS 73 - Digital Photography Online - Location Explorations

Assignment 2 - Location Explorations

Document 1 indoor scene and 1 outdoor scene with 5 quality images each. So, you should be showing 2 different locations, 5 shots each. Get as many as you can from each location, thinking of all possible images, and then pick your best 10. Also see the extra credit below.

NEW! Video Introduction of this Assignment
Update: I have changed the Assignment a bit from the video description, in that you now CAN move and walk around. I'm too nice sometimes ;)


  • Incorporate clear diagonal lines into at least 4 of your images. Diagonal lines can add dynamic energy to your images, help guide the eye of the viewer, and create depth.
  • Don't include people in this one.
  • Make sure you get 10 quality images, 5 from each scene.
  • Also, always make sure to shoot new, original images for each assignment. Please do not turn in old images that may fit the assignment.
  • You do NOT have to edit the images in lightroom classic, Photoshop, or any other app for this assignment, but you CAN if you want to.

More tips:

  • You can move up or down(squat or get up high).
  • Really look around! Change your perspective. You can turn around, get low, point up or down, etc.
  • You may want to use a tripod indoors if the light is low, so you will not get blurring from camera shake. Watch the video on The Benefits and Use of Tripods(Youtube video) for more information on tripods.
  • You can also use the zoom on your lens if you want to.
  • Pay close attention to framing, composition and exposure.
  • Try to create images that you like, as well as images that you think others might like.
  • Try to shoot at least 1 image using each of the following settings(if your camera allows it).
    See the video, Using Exposure Modes, and the Photography terms page in Canvas for a description of some of these exposure modes.
    • aperture priority
    • shutter priority
    • manual exposure
    • manual focus
  • Try to think about the camera settings for each shot(if your camera has manual controls). I know you may not be used to these settings and terms yet yet, but start to think about them if you can.
    • f-stop(aperture)
    • shutter speed
    • ISO
    • shooting mode(manual, aperture priority, etc.)
    • general focal length(wide angle, normal or telephoto)
    • Most of these terms are in your reading and on the Photography terms page in Canvas.
    • Experiment with the controls you do have on your camera.
    • Experiment with different angles, focal lengths, f-stops(If possible) and shutter speeds(If possible).


Take a look at some examples. Download examples here. These are from a slightly different version of this assignment, where the photographers moved between shots. You will not be moving this time(except for up and down).

To Turn in:

  • You have 3 options for turning in the images. One is extra credit!
    • Option 1: Export 10 separate jpeg images from Adobe Bridge like the last Assignment. Watch the video from earlier called Downloading, Resizing, Exporting and Renaming Images in Adobe Bridge - Duration 14:13 to format your 10 images. Export as jpeg images with a maximum dimension of 1200 pixels wide or 1200 pixels. Make sure your name is on your folder before compressing the folder to submit in Canvas (See below).
    • Option 2: Export 10 separate jpeg images from Lightroom Classic to turn in. Use the procedures in the video Importing and Exporting files with Lightroom to format your 10 images. Export as jpeg images with a maximum dimension of 1200 pixels wide or 1200 pixels high in Lightroom. Make sure your name is on your folder before compressing the folder to submit in Canvas (See below).
    • Option 3 (Extra Credit!): Create a web gallery using Adobe Lightroom Classic. Use the procedures in the video Web Gallery Export with Lightroom to format a web gallery of your 10 images. If you do the web gallery option, please use one of the templates under the section "Classic Gallery" for your gallery. In the setting panel on the right, set the image size under "Image Pages" to 1200px. When you submit, make sure to include all the whole folder that Lightroom makes, which has all the files inside, not just one file. If you don't include all the files, the website that Lightroom makes will not work on my end.
  • If you don't resize your images using one of these methods, Canvas might not upload the file.
  • Make sure your images are named like this:
  • Put your 10 images only in a folder named firstname_lastname_assign2(use your name), zip the folder and drop them into the Canvas drop box for the assignment, or if you did a web gallery, zip the whole folder of the web gallery and attach that to your submission in Canvas.
    • To turn in assignments with multiple files or folders, it works best if you put all files in a folder and zip the folder. It is important to name your folder correctly BEFORE you zip it to send, so I know who's folder it is. Please name you folder like this firstname_lastname_assignX where X is the assignment number. Then when you zip the folder, I will know it is yours. To zip the folder: To zip a folder on a PC, create the folder with your name on it like this firstname_lastname_assignX and put the files needed in it, then right click, select "send to," and finally "compresses (zipped) folder". On a mac, control click or right click on the folder and select compress. Remember to name the folder before compressing it, so I can see who's it is when it is uncompressed.