GDS 73 - Digital Photography Online - First Shots

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Assignment 1 - First Shots

Go outside and shoot portraits of one person(not groups).

See examples below.

Here are the requirements and instructions

  • Make sure to shoot some images with the camera horizontal, and some vertical(turn the camera).
  • In general, try to fill the frame with your subject, but you CAN include more background if it helps the viewer learn something about the subject. An example would be showing some of the kitchen while a person cooks, IF cooking is important in some way to the subject.
  • Try some images posed and some candid
  • Try some images with the subject looking into the camera, and some not
  • Try some close-ups and some wider, full length shots
  • Try some with flash and without flash, if you have a flash
  • Examples:
  • See example 1 here
  • See example 2 here
  • Shoot at least 30 images
  • The examples have 30 images or so. You will only turn in 5.

How to turn in your files

  • Please let me know if you do not yet have access to Adobe Bridge, which comes with the Adobe Creative Cloud OR the Adobe Photography Plan. The Adobe Creative cloud with Photoshop, Bridge and Lightroom Classic is available for $40/six months at
  • As of this writing, you can download and install Adobe Bridge for free, and SOME of the functions will work. You cannot edit images in Camera Raw, for example.
  • After creating your files:
    To turn in assignments with multiple files or folders, it works best if you put all files in a folder and zip the folder. It is important to name your folder correctly BEFORE you zip it to send, so I know who's folder it is. Please name you folder like this firstname_lastname_assignX where X is the assignment number. To zip a folder on a PC, create the folder with your name on it and put the files needed in it, then right click, select "send to," and finally "compresses (zipped) folder." On a mac, control click or right click on the folder and select compress. Name the folder before compressing it, so I can see whose it is when it is uncompressed.

Here is a portion of a video showing how to zip the folder with your images, and submit the zip file in Canvas.

  • Drop your zipped file in the Assignment drop box in Canvas. Check the calendar for due dates.