Welcome to the ESL Lab

Access to the lab
Students are allowed in the ESL Lab ONLY during class when their instructor is present.
Other campus labs available to students outside of class:
Main computer lab, Campus Center 2nd floor
Learning Assistance and Tutorial Center (LATC), room S2-201 (enrollment in ESL 900 (901-906 is required)

The computer
Power on
Turn on the computer when you enter the lab.
Be patient while it connects to the network.
Follow your instructorıs instructions.

Donıt shut down
Do not shut down your computer without your instructorıs permission.
It disconnects you from the network.
It deletes filesŠ maybe your files!

The monitor
You can adjust the monitor by tilting the black frame, but donıt touch the screen.

The keyboard
You can adjust the keyboard tray up and down, and you can move it under the table.

The headset
When you put on the headset, put the microphone on your left.
At the end of class, place the headsets back on the low monitor table.

The listening center
3 pairs of headset jacks per listening center

The numbers
Match the numbers:
The computer
The monitor
The headset
The headset jacks
The listening center

Turn off your cell phone during class.

Protect our property
Food and drink
Do not eat, drink or chew gum in the lab.

Keep your water in a bottle and away from the keyboard and the computer.

The table
Write in your notebooks.
Do not write on the table.

The computer screen
Do not touch the screen.
Do not write on the screen.
Do not poke the screen.

Your feet
Do not kick the computer.
Do not place your feet on the computer rack.

Your workstation
Leave your workstation clean.
Push in your chair.
Place waste in wastebaskets.

Listen to your instructor
For more information.

Slide 20