Mission College Language Lab          Funding Sources Meeting                  9/5/02


Fred Prochaska, Gwen Quail, Marsha Chan, Jody Hacker, Phil Pabich, Carol Qazi, Karen Armstrong


What do we have now?

1. An existing Language Lab, with carrels for 32 students, does not serve students well, especially disabled students.  Very outdated equipment, more than 12 years old.


2.  An Innovations Grant written by Marsha Chan in Fall 01 to seek funds to purchase and install a multimedia language lab.  Preliminary work has included writing up the concept, researching vendors.  Estimated total cost to implement, including installation, infrastructure, room refurbishment and curriculum/staff development is in $300,000 - $400,000 range.


3.  Foreign Language and Community Ed. Departments also excited about refurbished language lab and want to participate in its development and use.


4.  Phil Pabich has funds, currently $93,000 that he would like to spend on the language lab in return for access to Community Ed students.  There is urgency about committing these funds.


5.  Carol Qazi has also researched language lab set-ups and has quotes from 2 (3?) sources (Sony, and ?).  Monica Rivas has seen one of the labs.  Cost for hardware (and software?) is $95,000.  This does not include stripping down existing lab, cost of  infrastructure refurbishment (estimate $15,000) or curriculum and staff development.


Challenges to be resolved:

1.  Identify vendor(s)/costs: hardware, software, maintenance, licensing


2.  Identify all costs to be fully functional: build/refurbish infrastructure, furniture, students with disabilities must be accommodated, curriculum/staff development, staffing


3.  Shared-use issues need written agreements – lab classes, drop-in use, schedule


4.  Space expansion – current lab is small to service demand from 3 departments


5.  Staffing if lab is in use 8 AM – 10 PM


Funding Sources:


Innovations Fund – November 02 to develop a strategic plan and proposal to shop to several sources.

Prop 39 Bond Campaign for March 04 ballot: need to start working now to be included.  Should be politically popular, need to make sure it is near the top of the list.


State Instructional Equipment funds:  expect a balloon of funds in next year.  Work with Worku to find out more about these funds – (prepare a 2 – 3 page summary of the Language Lab project/multiple stakeholders, see planning section below).


Get on the agenda of CBAC, GAP and into the lists of planning priorities for the college.


Understand the CAP, MOE issues and estimate the income that could be calculated from Mission ESL students FTE to basic skills (Chris Olson, Linda Francis may be able to help with the calculation).  This is unrestricted money in the $300,000 - $500,000 ranges.  Request that some of this money be set aside for language lab.



Public Sector

Mostly no capital/infrastructure funds, only personnel training and program implementation.


Title III (confirm Fall 03 eligibility)  Major goal is to strengthen the institution.  Need 2 – 3 big goals of which the language lab is one and connects to the other goals.

(Innovations Grant to develop Title II application.)


National Endowment of the Humanities (NEH): Possible something for the program development.  Very competitive, $50,000 – 100,000 range.  Public Programs (April)  Planning Grant (Nov 1)  Education (April).



Need to work with Cindy to pitch the proposal to the various foundations, being aware of their funding interests/priorities.

Improving the communication skills for the workforce.  Digital divide.

Multimedia lab will also provide a service to the workforce.


Plan to move forward:

1.  Resolved challenges (above) with written agreements on how to proceed (Sept 12 meeting).


2.  Participate in local decision making bodies: Monica Rivas, Academic Senate. Seek positions on CABC, GAP or ask to be on their agendas and make presentations. (Fall 02)


3.  Use Innovations funds to develop a strategic plan to seek funding internally and externally.  Develop two versions of the preliminary proposal – a 2-page summary of what is requested, why, outcomes/value to the college/community, and a 15-page more detailed preliminary proposal.  (Sept/Oct 02)


4.  Explore Title III eligibility and GAP interest in pursuing a proposal. (Sept/Oct 02)

5.  Innovations Fund application for Title II grant planning and development (Nov 1, 02)

6.  Bond Issue preparation – space issues articulated, GAP approval sought (Feb 03).

  1. FSS, FII grant applications for curriculum/staff development (April 03).


Gwen Quail

Language Lab Project home page