Innovation Grant Overview

Multimedia Language Lab Project for Mission College


Identify funding sources for the purchase and installation of a multimedia language laboratory and provide initial training for faculty. A new digital multimedia language laboratory will enable learners of English, Foreign Languages and other disciplines to benefit from enhanced communication skills.

What we need for our students

The students in the English as a Second Language Department need a learning environment in which they can develop, expand upon and advance their language skills. Digital media technologies have significant potential for improving and facilitating such learning. A multimedia language laboratory will enable the transmission, recording and playback of the instructional content material (sound, video, text); simultaneous recording of comments, questions, responses and translations by instructors and students; comparison of student speech recording with the original sound; text synchronization with audio track; transmittal of student and instructor files to and from a server within a local area network as well as over the Internet.

Implementation Plans

Expected Benefits to District, College, Students and/or the Community:

Need for English language training increases

Mission College ESLDepartment Statistics

Language Lab Project

Marsha Chan
Office Phone: (408) 855-5314