Editing for Articles

Copy this file and paste it into your word processor, where you can edit it, or print it out and handwrite the edits on paper. Using the following symbols, show how the errors should be edited.

\-aaa\ = omit the word or phrase aaa
\+aaa\ = add the word or phrase aaa
\aaa > bbb\ = change the word or phrase aaa to bbb

Refer to Correction Symbols, as necessary. After editing the paragraphs, check the answer key.

Exercise 9A The Sundial

Seventeen articles (the) are missing from the following paragraph.

1 Sundial is probably most ancient of scientific instruments. 2 This instrument tells time by measuring passage of sun through sky. 3 Ancient men measured time by placing a stick in ground and by watching movement of its shadow. 4 Egyptians and Greeks constructed first sundials, which divided each day into equal intervals called hours. 5 By A.D. 150, Greek mathematicians used trigonometry to plot hour lines. 6 Sundials were used from sixteenth to nineteenth centuries as primary way of telling time. 7 Because sundial time (or solar time) is not same as clock time, development of mechanical clock and adoption of standard time in nineteenth century caused sundial to lose its practical value. 8 Nonetheless, sundials are sometimes still used today.

From Improving the Grammar of Written English: The Editing Process, Beverly Benson and Patricia Byrd

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