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Frederick M. Jones, 1892-1961

1. Frederick M. Jones is an American inventor, he held more than 60 patents in a variety of fields. 2. Although refrigeration was his specialty. 3. In 1935, he invented the first automatic refrigeration system for long-haul trucks. 4. Later, he adapted the system to a variety of other carriers. 5. Including ships and railway cars. 6. His invention eliminated the problem of food shortage it changed America’s eating habits. 7. In addition, Jones developed an air-conditioning unit for military field hospitals, a portable X-ray machine, and a refrigerator for military field kitchens in World War I, after the war, he worked as a garage mechanic and developed a self-starting gasoline motor. 8. In the late 1920s, Jones designed a series of devices for the movie industry, he adapted silent movie projectors to accommodate talking films and developed the box-office equipment. 9. That delivers tickets and automatically returns change. 10. Whether we realize it or not, we owe a lot of our modern conveniences to inventor Frederick M. Jones.