Analysis of Simple Sentences

Answer Key

The simple sentences below have been analyzed using the symbols

[ ] _ _ ( )

to identify the parts of each sentence, as follows:

Exercise A: Simple Sentences

1. [Snow] _is_ frozen water vapor (in the form) (of ice crystals).

2. [It] _forms_ (in the clouds) (at temperatures) (below freezing).

3. Falling ice [crystals] _are_ transparent and _may be_ only a few millimeters (in diameter).

4. Four basic [types] (of these six-sided crystals) _exist_ (with countless varieties) (of each type).

5. (According to scientists), no two [crystals] _are_ identical.

6. (After reaching the ground, [snow] _loses_ its crystalline shape and _becomes_ granular (in form).

7. Falling [snow] and ground [snow] _are_ very different (in appearance).

Exercise B: Simple Sentences

1 (In the north) and (in the mountains), [snow] often _falls_ (as individual crystals). 2 (In warmer areas), the [crystals] _form_ snowflakes. 3 Indeed, [hundreds] (of crystals) _may combine_ and _form_ a snowflake (of nearly one inch) (in diameter). 4 (In some areas) (of the United States), a single [snowfall] frequently _exceeds_ 30 inches (in depth). 5 These heavy [snowfalls] _occur_ (in the Rocky Mountains). 6 [Snow] often _creates_ transportation problems (in these parts) (of the United States).

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