College Oral Communication 1

Chapter 6 Google: A Business Dream Come True

Marsha Chan, Mission College, Santa Clara, California, USA

To play the sounds on this page, your browser needs a plugin such as Apple Quicktime or Windows Media Player

Web Quiz

Listen to a mini-lecture about eBay and answer questions.

First click the link. Then click the button on the right START ASSIGNMENT NOW.
Press the blue triangle > on the sound controller to play the sound file. Listen and choose the best answer to each question.
When you finish the web quiz, click ENTER ANSWERS. You will see your result, such as

You have answered # out of 8 questions. What would you like to do next?

To email the results to your instructor(s), complete the form:

E-mail results to: (Fill in your instructor's email address)
Additional message (Fill in your section number. You may include a comment or question.)
Your first name:
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Your email address:


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