Chapter 4 DF: Modals

Due date 3/7/2014


Writing Assignment

Choose 20 modals and use them in groups of related sentences. They do not need to comprise a paragraph or essay.


Note: In this list, verb = base form verb

Group 1 (Choose 6)

should (not) + verb:

ought to + verb:

had better (not) + verb:

would rather (not) + verb:

can (not) + verb:

have/ has to + verb:

donŐt have to + verb:

may (not) + verb: 

might (not) + verb:

must (not) + verb:

could (not) + verb:

would (not) + verb:

had to + verb:

didnŐt have to + verb:

Group 2 (Choose 6)

should (not) + be + verb+ing:

ought to + be + verb+ing:

had better (not) + be + verb+ing:

would rather (not) + be + verb+ing:

can (not) + be + verb+ing:

could (not) + be + verb+ing:

have/ has to + be + verb+ing:

had to + be + verb+ing:

donŐt have to + be + verb+ing:

may (not) + be + verb+ing: 

might (not) + be + verb+ing:

must (not) + be + verb+ing:

would (not) + be + verb+ing:

didnŐt have to + be + verb+ing:

Group 3 (Choose 4)

should (not) have + pp:

could (not) have + pp:

might (not) have + pp:

must (not) have + pp:

would (not) have + pp:

used to + verb: 

didnŐt use to + verb:

BE supposed to + verb:

Group 4 (Choose 4)

should (not) have been + verb+ing:

could (not) have + been + verb+ing:

might (not) have + been + verb+ing:

must (not) have + been + verb+ing:

would (not) have + been + verb+ing:

didnŐt have to be + verb+ing:

BE supposed to be + verb+ing:

Click the HTML Editor link and underline the complete verbs (modals + main verb).


Student 1 Flavia Pereira 40

SetencesSentences with Modals


Group 1)


Laura could not eat that dish (What dish? Specify )in at her friend's house. She has allergy ofis allergic to seafood. She may eat only salads and deserts desserts at the dinner.


Daniel must pay his credit cards on time. He has to get a good score because his wife might need to apply for a new car loan.


Group 2)


They can be going to campmight be going camping in this weekend, but first, Theythey might not be forgettinghad better not forget to buy camping supplies.


She would rather be buying a new purse instead of a pair of shoes to use wear at a/her friend's wedding.


Group 3)


I didn't use to talk in on a mobile phone when while I drivewas driving.

This is confusing.  Do you mean your old habit was NOT to talk on a mobile phone while driving, but now you DO talk on a mobile phone while driving?

People supposed to use cell phone before driving to donŐt cause accident.
I don't understand this sentence. It is completely ungrammatical. I'll try to guess. Do you mean the following?

People are not supposed to use a cell phone while driving; otherwise they may cause an accident.


Group 4)


They must have been making appointment with a doctor last night because they did not feel well after eating spoiled food at the restaurant.


I am not sure whether (a) you know what happened, or (b) you are making a guess about what happened.

a.       They had to make an appointmentÉ

b.       They must have made an appointmentÉ


The two modal choices are grammatically correct, but they have different meanings. (Yours is ungrammatical)

You apparently understand how to use some of the basic present-future modals, but you need to learn the other forms. Please review my video and audio lectures on using past modals and continuous modals.

6 modals are used correctly.

1 error-free sentence

134 words

Vocabulary Profile:







Student 2 Chunyan Lin 35




You should finish your homework, and then you can watch TV. You had better keep a certain/good/4-foot distantdistance form from the TV, or your eyes might be develop myopia.

Word forms

Action verb



She should be arrivingarrive around 7 oŐclock. She can must be being on time. She must be takingcomplete/attempt her/a/the/that test carefully. She might be passing taking this test now.


BE is a stative verb. Do not use a stative verb in a continuous. Only active verbs can be used in continuous forms. Use continuous only when it is necessary to emphasize the ongoing nature of an action.

Take a test (attempt) ­ pass a test (not fail)




You should have remembered our wedding anniversary, so you could have bought a present to me. However, you used to forgetforgot that day, so you must not have changed that.



He should not have been goinggone to the theater tonight. He might notshould/ought to have been doing his homework. She was supposed to be going home quickly and must should/ought to have been studying at home.


You used a few basic present-future modals correctly, but you need to learn the other forms.

It appears that you misunderstand the meaning of 'must have' and other past modals. Please review my lectures on past modals and continuous forms.


5 modals are used correctly.

2 error-free sentences.

111 words

Vocabulary Profile:







Student 3 Binh Nguyen 



Group 1. 

ItŐs going to rain outside. You should bring an umbrella just in case it will rainrains. But I think you had better stay at home, .you You can go to buy some bread tomorrow. You have to finish your homework and clean your room. You must finish it before dinner, and then you may do whatever you want.     

Use present tense in the DC.

Comma splice


Group 2. 

She should be eatingeat your her breakfast around 7 oŐclock. Otherwise, sShe might not be catching catch bus on time, and can be being late. She must not be goingshould not go to bed late and, instead, had better be gettingget up earlier in morning, so she could be goingcan get to school on time.  

BE is a stative verb. NEVER use a stative verb in a continuous. Only active verbs can be used in continuous forms. Use continuous only when it is necessary to emphasize the ongoing nature of an action.


   Group 3. 

You should have remembered your motherŐs birthday, so you could have bought a present to her. You used to forgetforgot her birthday once last year, and you forgot it again this year. so you must have done something to fix it.  It is obvious you have done nothing to change your habit.


'Used to' shows a past habit. Doing something once is NOT a habit. It is simply one completed past action.


   Group 4. 

He is going to do take an exam tomorrow, so he should not have been goinggone out tonight. He might have been doingshould have done his homework and finishing finished it before midnight. It's 11:30. He must have been drivingought to drive home now. then Then he could have been goingget to bed around midnight.


Use continuous only when it is necessary to emphasize the ongoing nature of an action. Please review my video and audio lectures on using past modals and continuous forms.

8 modals are used correctly.

4 error-free sentences.

185 words

Vocabulary Profile:







Student 4 Huy Le



Group 1

If I want to pass my classes, I ought to study every day. I have to study hard before each test. I might study at the library after class, and I know I should come go to the tutoring center for help. When I have free time, I must not just play games. From this time onenow on/this time onward, I would will devote more time to doing my homework, and I must learn how to allocate my time properly.  I may not pass all of my classes with an A, but I might have a better grades than last semester.

Come here ­ Go there/away

Devote (time) to + n/pron/ger

If you have more than one class, you'll have more than one grade.


Group 2


Ken should must be sleeping right now. He might be dreaming about a new car. He could be sleeping right now because he had worked late last night. I had better not be waking him up when he is sleeping. Otherwise, he would be so upsetting. Because Ken doesnŐt have to be working today, I will just leave the house without waking him up.

Ken should be sleeping right now. (He is not sleeping now.)

Ken must be sleeping right now. (I am pretty sure he is sleeping.)


Group 3

I should have bought a present for my brotherŐs birthday but I didnŐt have much money. If I had a better apartment, I would prepare have prepared a surprised birthday party for him. If I had a car, I would not ask have asked/have had to ask my friends to take me shopping. If I had knownknew how to bake, I might have baked him a little cake. We used to be best friends, and shared everything with one another. However, I still regret that I wasnŐt able to celebrate his birthday.

If knew how to bake (but I don't know how to bake) 'Know' is a stative verb.


Group 4

My brother must have been forgettingforgotten to call me because I have been waiting for him for more than 2 two hours. He could have been calling me while I was in the library. Because the signal might have not been as strong, I didnŐt receive any messages. He might have been studying all night, and thatŐs why he has forgotten his appointment with me. 


You should have identified the verbs with modals by underlining them.

You used most of the modals correctly.

15 modals used correctly

17 error-free sentences.

308 words

Vocabulary Profile:







Student 5 Julie Mbumba



Group 1


You shouldn't give out your credit card number or social security number if you are not sure who is contracting.

Senior citizens should be especially careful of scams . Eighty percent of victims of scams are 65or older . They often think that  they have to buy something in order to win a prize and often send a lot money on useless items .Or they think that their chances of winning might increase if they buy the company product . But you don't have to buy anything or send any money . In addition , the company must  tell you your chances of winning.

This paragraph is perfect, using modals very well. The only exception is in mechanics: there should not be a space before a comma or a period.



My daughter is been using the Internet all day. sShe might be doing her homework.

I know I should be studying for my test on Monday and not watching TV . but there isyet my program is on .

You should not be talking on your cell phone when while you are driving. It could be dangerous.

My sister is not  answering her cell phone. Sshe must be sleeping now. This is a run-on sentence. To fix a run-on, separate the simple sentences with a period (or add a comma and a coordinating conjunction.)

 I can not sleep because o noise coming from my neighbor's apartment.  she She might be having a party. Run-on

ESL students have to be practicing English all the time.



I have to call me my boyfriend. he He told me he may not have had time to call me because he has sore muscles score . Run-on. He should  not have exercised hard yesterday , he could have gotten sick,  but he used to dousually does that every day . Comma splice.

To fix a comma splice error, separate the simple sentences with a period (or add a coordinating conjunction after the comma.)

His muscles are sore. He has sore muscles.


GROUPGroup 4

Mmy sister got a speeding ticket ,she should not have been driving over speed limit. comma splice

I missed my mom's call. Possessive. I must have been taking a shower when she called.

I could have been learning English instead of ringing hanging out with friends.

I might have been sleeping when (Who?) came.


22 modals used correctly

11 error-free sentences.

286 words

Vocabulary Profile:








Student 6 Igsoo Kwon

Sentences of with Modals



I attendedarrive latelylate to thean importance important meeting yesterday.  I should have gone to bed earlier last night, but I had to study English.  I used to attend a meetingmeetings on time but I wasnŐt able to make it on time yesterday. My boss said that we must not have beenbe late to a technical meeting.



I am going to exercise in at a gym so I may have to leave my house now. Because I will want to reduce my body fat, I should exercise for 1 one hour every day. Also I had better drink less drink beer and donŐt have got toI should not eat too much meat.


The first impression is very importance important; therefore, you should/ought to try to do polite questions toask customers politely.  Could you like to take below questions?

I don't know what this question means.

ŇShall you offer the product?Ó

I don't know what this question means.

ŇWould you like to send me requested latter?Ó

I don't know what this question means.

 ŇCan I change a meeting schedule? Can/May we reschedule the meeting?


I could have talked to my customer using it ??? when I was supposed to support a technical issue. If you are able to talk politely to your friend you ought tomay be able to make a good relationship with him.

What does 'using it' mean? Do you mean using polite language?

Confusing: Do you mean 'you' or 'I'? 'customers' or 'friends'?

Besides polite language, you should also learn correct grammar and word choice. I recommend you listen to my video and audio lectures while reviewing the textbook. Get tutorial help on campus in the Academic Spport Center, Room S2-401, or online at Smarthinking. You may access Smarthinking from the Lessons area.


6 modals used correctly

2 error-free sentences.

173 words

Vocabulary Profile:







Student 7 Steffanie Trinh



You had  better take care  yourself.

She had to run  around  the park to find her dog yesterday.

Lan could not  stay  home  alone  last week.

Mai can't  drive  on the freeway.

You must go home right now. Your  mom is waiting .

Sue may take  your  wallet  with her  to  Las Vegas.


You should be  being a good father.

I was supposed to  be a good cook. What do you mean?

She  should have  talked  to  her  boy friend  about his baby


These few sentences are not written according to the instructions (Groups 1-4). The sentences are unrelated. They do not demonstrate a clear understanding of the differences in meaning of the various modals. There are no compound, complex, or compound-complex sentences – only simple sentences.

6 modals used correctly

79 words

Vocabulary Profile:







Student 8 Kimberly Soo



You shouldnŐt eat those food that is starting to rot because it could cause stomach stomach problems/a stomachache.    You had better take care of your own health.   Or, or you might end up in the hospital.   I truly hope that you would will take this/my advice seriously because if you are sick, you may lose your job.   I would rather spend money on fresh food than to eat rotten food to save money and risk my health. 

Food: noncoun noun (ncn)


She must be have been doing exercise when you called because her mom told me that she needs to do some work out when I call at 8:30 am.   She should be arriving at our place around 11:00 am.   You ought to be studying for your exam that you are going to take tomorrow.   Then tonight, you would not be burningwill not have to burn the middle midnight oil.    You could also be helpinghelp me with the house workhousework.   You donŐt have to be waiting outside for her.

I don't understand the relationship of these sentences. It is difficult to imagine the context, the situation.


He must have forgotten about me.  When I walked close to him, he didnŐt say hello to me.

We used to sit next to each other in the school library when we were at thein elementary school.    

We were supposed to study not eatingbut not eat / without eating in the library, but we often brought food in to share.

I should have talked to him, but I was with other colleagues. 

How is the last sentence related to the others? Is it?


They (Who?)  must have been partying all night.  They could not have been going out at allstayed home because the door was lockedlights were all out, the house was quiet, and their cars were gone.    The parents should have been callingcalled to check on them out.  I would not have been letting let my kid to go there.

This paragraph also needs greater unity and coherence.

14 modals used correctly

9 error-free sentences.

254 words

Vocabulary Profile:







Student 9 Angelica MacHicado



1. I have one week of vacation in a month, but I didnŐt decidehaven't decided yet where I will go because I have two places that I really want to go. What should I do

2. Next week I have an important test. I had better study if I want to pas pass that test.   

Run-on sentence: To fix a run-on, separate the simple sentences with a period (or add a comma and a coordinating conjunction.)

3. Every time that I plan to go Las Vegas, something happens. Now I can can't? believe  that  my friend who support was supposed to go with me is moving to another country. 

SVA, vocab

4. I lost my phone last mondayMonday, so I was thinking to buyof buying a new phone, but the phones are so expensive. Lucky meLuckily, I found my phone, so I donŐt have to buy a new one. 

5. Last Sunday I went to Lake Tahoe to do go snowboarding, but I could not do it because I hurt my arm with on the car door. 

6. I bought a lot of clothes and gifts for my family members who are live in my country, so I had to send all those presents as soon as I cancould.  

7. To play volley ballVollelyball is one of my favorite sports,  and I would rather be playing with my team than be doing my homework. 

To fix a comma splice error, separate the simple sentences with a period, or add a coordinating conjunction after the comma

8. I donŐt know what happened today with to my car key today, but I could not be openingopen the door, so I need had to call the insureinsurance company.

9. One of my friends likes to dance, and today I went his her place, but couldnŐt find her. She might be have been dancing in the studio. 

10. My teacher told us. Weus that we should be practicing more, special especially if we are beginners because to playplaying the guitar is hard.


11. Even though we practiced every day for three hours, we can notcannot finish be finishinglearning the piece for our perfuming performance next week.

12. My doctor said if I continue to eat fat fattening food, I will have serious problems with my health, so I have to be eatingeat healthy food now.

13. Because I hurt my arm with on the car door. I should not have gotten out of the car. ??

This does not make sense. If you had not gotten out of the car, you would not have been able to go snowboarding! Maybe: I should have gotten out of the car more carefully, and I would not have injured my arm

14. Two weeks ago I had a test, and I fell failed it because I could not have studieddid not study for that test. I should have studied for the test.

15. Next week I will have a dinner with some of my friends, and one of them  wants to try a Bolivian food if I have a time to cook. I might have cookedcook some food from my country. 

16. When I was teenager, I used to play basket ball, but now I donŐt play any more.  

17. The doctors didnŐt haven't found yet a cure for AIDS yet, but they might have beenbe doing some experiments with some animals for foundto find the a cure.

Comma splice (cs)

18. I have a lot of homework because I am taking three classes this semester if I want o pass all this class I  must have been finishingfinish all of my homework.

Can you fix the run-on?

19. I can cannot believe the that time goes so fast, and  I have a lot of homework to do, I should have been doing homework the other days instead of dancing and hanging out with my friends.  

20. My sister is taking some classes, and next week she is going to have a test, so she should have been studyingstudy if she wants to pass those classes

10 modals used correctly

0 error-free sentences.

516 words

Vocabulary Profile:







Student 10 Ivana Novakovic



Group I

I should go to see my dentist because I want to check my teeth. I would rather avoid it because going there is not pleasant for me. I might postpone our meetingmy appointment for theto next week. I will have to take my insurance card with me because I have just changed the insurance companies/plans. Luckily, I do not have to drive because my dentistŐs office is just behind my house.

Group 2

This year he (Who?) might be going to his home country. He should be visiting his old parents and helping them to sell a house. He would rather be going to the beach, but his he does need to see his parents. He does not have to be spending a lot of (?) time with them but he ought to be helping them. He might be visitingvisit his friends while he is there.

Group 3
John did not use to have pets when he was young. He should have gotten a cat because they do not require too much attention. He would have had to feed it, though. Then again, he could have bought an automatic feeder.

Group 4

John could have been attending college, but he was too lazy to study. Because of that, he now works at a factory. In fact, right now, he is now supposed to be working in a factorythere. He should have been goinggone to work this morning, but he slept until noon. He could have been goinggone to bed earlier this week, but he (another past activity) instead.


Each group of sentences has good content, especially groups 1-3. You should have identified the verbs with modals by underlining them.

16 modals used correctly

14 error-free sentences.

227 words

Vocabulary profile:








Student 11 Yanqiu(Angela) Wang

Chapter 4 Sentences with Modals


Group 1

Some tips for traveling:   Before you leave, you can make an online hotel reservation. You could ask a friend to take you to airport. You may need to take some cash in case the ATM doesnŐt work. You should check the weather, so you can decide what kind of clothes you should take.  You have to make sure you have paid your cell phone bill unless so that the provider will not shut downcut off your service.   The most important thing is you must have your passport with you.

You only need to take your passport if you travel outside of the country.


Group 2

It is 9:00 am, Tracy should be sitting in the class room because our class begins 8:50 am. But she is not here. There must be something happeningSomething must have happened to her. She might be feeling badly. She may be having encountered a traffic problem.  She could be arriving in any minute. Now, I had better be listeninglisten to the teacher.


Group 3

I should have called my sister on her birthday. I used to send her a gift on each birthday. She must have been very upset because she was supposed to call me, but she didnŐt.


Group 4

I should have been studying last night, but I didnŐtwasn't (studying).  I could have been doingdone better on the test, if I had studied. I was supposed to be writing my essay yesterday, but I went to shopping. I must have been eatingeaten something wrong because I had a stomach ache.

How is the last sentence related to the rest of the paragraph? Other than this, the sentences in each group are closely related.

15 modals used correctly

12 error-free sentences.

225 words

Vocabulary profile:








Student 12 Dung Nguyen



Group 1

There are many rules what that I have to know before come I go to the Ac?? zoo. The first thing is you I should buy the a ticket and the a parking permit online before you I have the plan to go there. If not, it may be more expensive than onlineat the door. The second thing is you I canŐt bring food and or drink into the zoo. You I ought to prepare some one- dollar bills to buy some drinks and food at from vending machines. The most important thing is you I had better not touch and or feed food the animals. It might make the animals angry and sick. I hope they are helpful if you have plans to go there.

Don't mix up the point of you. Either 'I' or 'you' but not both!


Group 2

Nancy might be doing homework by 3 amat 3 pm. We shouldnŐt be cominggo to her home to bother her because her class may be having the a test tomorrow. We had better be callingcall her later.  Right now, we must be callingcall to Steven and coming go to his house to cook some favorite food. She Nancy can be joiningjoin us later.

Use continuous only to emphasize ongoing actions.


Group 3

This semester, I may have takenam taking a an online class because I didnŐt don't have enough time to come go to school. I should have spentspend more than 8 hours a week to study. I must have comego to the school 2 two days in all the whole semester for the midterm and the final. I am supposed to turned turn in my homework on time every day. It is not an easy class everat all.

Please review my video and audio lectures on using past modals. This context is PRESENT, not PAST.


Group 4

I am busy right now. I have to be preparingprepare the a presentation for next week's class. I am supposed to be sending my essay to my partner. I shouldnŐt have been practicing???, so I may not have been goingbe able to with you to the theater with you. I feel so sorry.

This context is PRESENT, not PAST

You apparently understand how to use the basic present-future modals, but you need to learn the other forms. Please review my video and audio lectures on using past modals.

8 modals used correctly

0 error-free sentence with a modal.

277 words

Vocabulary profile:








Student 13  Zhengzheng Qin

Modal practice


Group 1

There are some tips to help you getting familiar with a
foreign language. You can listen to the songs in that language. You donŐt
have to understand
every sentence. That could be very hard for you
to do. You may also want to watch TV shows in that language,
which is one more thing I would rather do. It must be difficult
to understand what are they talking about in the shows at first. But you had
better get
used to it.

The last sentence sounds like a threat.


Group 2

He might be arrivingarrive by 1:00pm. You had better not
call him at this moment because he has to be driving carefully. The
trip shouldnŐt be lastinglast for more than 3 hours. He must be looking
for somewhere forfor a place to have lunch right now. You donŐt have to be standing stand here
until he arrives.   

There's no reason to focus on ongoing action in most of this paragraph.


Group 3


You should have finished the homework. You are
supposed to use
8 hours to do it every week. Amy couldnŐt have done
it because she was has been out of town these days. She might have talked with
the teacher about her absence/about the assignments.

Group 4

My boyfriend might have been waiting for me for more
than three hours when I finished class yesterday. The class was supposed to
be lastinglast
for just two and half hours. The technician of the computer lab must
have been doing
something wrong so that all the PCs in the lab couldnŐt run
well. I shouldnŐt wouldn't have been wasting my time on waiting if I had my
laptop with me.

242 words

Each group contains related sentences, and overall the sentence structure is good.

16 modals used correctly

14 error-free sentences.

Vocabulary profile:




