Analysis of Simple Sentences

A simple sentence is made up of a subject-main verb combination, either or both of which may have compound elements. Study these examples.


1.    [Tuyet] and [Phuong] used to live (in Vietnam), (in Southeast Asia).
Sentence Pattern I: S + VI

2.    [Students] (in the online English class) have to demonstrate <independence>, <self-discipline>, and <skill> (in time management).
Sentence Pattern II: S + VT + O

3.    [Mario] was born (in Mexico), just south (of the US border).
Sentence Pattern III: S + passive V


These symbols [ ] ( ) < > are used to identify the following parts of each sentence:


[sss] = subject, which can be a noun, pronoun, gerund or infinitive [1]

vvv = verb, which can be transitive or intransitive [2]

(pppp) = prepositional phrase, a preposition and its object and modifiers

<ooo> = object, the direct object of the verb [3]


In addition, each sentence is identified as one of the following:

Sentence Pattern I: Subject + Intransitive Verb (including Subject + Linking Verb + Complement)

Sentence Pattern II: Subject + Transitive Verb + Object (n, pron, inf, ger)

Sentence Pattern III: Subject + Passive Verb

Basic Sentence Patterns

On a printout of this page, analyze the simple sentences below by marking the sentences parts as indicated in the examples above.

Online English Homework


  1. For an online English class, students must access the online class on the web about five days a week.
  2. The Assignments folder contains week-by-week reading, writing, and grammar assignments.
  3. Some assignments come from the textbook.
  4. After completing the exercises in the textbook, students should check the answers on their own by using an answer key.
  5. The answer keys are located in the Course Documents area.
  6. Besides textbook exercises, web-based lessons are also assigned.
  7. Answers are often provided on web pages.
  8. Students may click on a link to read details about a particular lesson.
  9. Some links connect users from the course website to an external site.
  10. The professor has created numerous practice quizzes for students.
  11. Students can attempt a practice quiz as many times as they want.
  12. However, for a real quiz, only one attempt is permitted.
  13. Typically, quiz submissions must be made by 12:00 noon on the due date.
  14. The user enters the appropriate password before being allowed to take the quiz.
  15. Students post writing assignments, questions, and responses on discussion boards.


When you have finished analyzing and marking the sentences, check the Answer Key.

Marsha Chan | Mission College

[1] The core subject is the most essential word without its modifiers.

[2] The complete verb may be comprised of one word or one or more auxiliaries + a main verb

[3] Like a subject, an object can be a noun, pronoun, gerund or infinitive.