Editing for Fragments
Answer Key

Changes are shown in boldface type.

Exercise 1A The Braile Alphabet (5 errors)

Until the eighteenth century, blind people could not be educated and were taught only a simple trade. In 1784, Valentin Hauy became one of the pioneers in the education of blind \people. When > people when\ he established the National Institute for the Young Blind in Paris. After enlarging and embossing letters of the \alphabet. Hany > alphabet, Hauy\ taught his students to read the letters with their fingers. Hany's system was later improved by Louis \Braille. Who > Braille, who\ had been blinded in an accident at the age of three. Braille was educated in his village school and attended the National Institute for the Young Blind. Later, he became an instructor at the institute and was able to improve the reading method of his teacher. In 1829, he presented his new \system. Which > system, which\ used combinations of dots to represent numbers and letters of the alphabet. His new system is named after \him. And > him and\ is used throughout the world today to educate the blind.

Exercise 1B Human Memory (5 errors)

Humans use three systems to remember information. The first system is the sensory \memory. Whose > memory, whose\ information usually disappears in about one \second. Unless > second unless\ the information has been transferred to another memory. The second type of memory is the short-term memory. Unless some further processing occurs within the short-term memory, the information there disappears in about 30 seconds. This memory generally holds up to seven items easily: for example, the number of digits in a telephone number. When your short-term memory is full, you can add new items only when old information disappears. Information is held in the short-term memory and kept \current. Through > current through\ rehearsal until it is associated with similar information already present in the long-term memory. The information is then more or less \permanent. Depending > permanent depending\ on the kind of organization and the individual's ability to recall the information. No one knows how much information can be stored in the long-term memory or how long information can be stored there. Some psychologists believe that the human memory has definite \limits. While > limits while\ others believe that the memory capacity is limited.

[Ex 1AB] [Go to class at cvc.blackboard.com] [marsha_chan@wvmccd.cc.ca.us]

Marsha Chan
English as a Second Language Department
Mission College
3000 Mission College Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA 95054-1897
(408) 855-5314