April Fool's Day

Sentence Combination Answer Key

Here is one possible way to combine the sentences into a paragraph with 10 sentences:
1. There is a custom on April 1 to play jokes on other people. 2. The tradition began a long time ago, but no one knows where the tradition began. 3. The custom may come from India, where people are sent on foolish errands on March 31. 4.It may come from ancient Greece, where a daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped by Pluto, the god of the underworld. 5. Although Demeter searched for her daughter, her search was like a fool's errand, for it was impossible to find Persephone.6. April fooling became popular in France after 1564 when the calendar was changed. 7. In the old calendar, the year began on April 1; on that day, it had been common to exchange gifts and visit each other. 8. When there was a new calendar, some people began to send pretend gifts and make pretend visits. 9. April fooling became popular in England in the eighteenth century, and the settlers brought the custom with them to America. 10. Today, children enjoy this tradition of fooling someone and playing practical jokes; afterward, they say, "April Fool."

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Marsha Chan
English as a Second Language Department
Mission College
3000 Mission College Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA 95054-1897
(408) 855-5314