Types of Tests - Answer Key

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Throughout the world, students take tests; however, these tests tests can be different. On standardized tests, test-takers fill in an answer sheet, and test scorers mark the test with an answer key which has the right answers. For example, the TOEFL is a standardized test that measures English language proficiency and is given to non-native speakers of English. In addition, many high school students who want to enter college in the United States take the SAT (Scholastic AptitudeTest); college students who want to enter graduate programs in the United States take the GRE (Graduate Record Exam). A placement test is another type of standardized test that is often used before students begin studying. At many colleges and universities, students must take English placement tests; however, one form is given to native English speakers and another form is given to non-native English speakers. In general, entrance and placement tests determine a student's general level of ability, so it is difficult to study for these tests. Achievement tests, on the other hand, require study, and they often determine specific course grades. Objective tests, which may include filling in blanks, marking items true or false, choosing from several choices, and giving short answers, require specific knowledge. The subjective test requires a written response that is often in the form of a paragraph. Students take many entrance tests, many placement tests and many achievement tests, and they need to understand their differences in form and purpose.

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