Analysis of Compound Sentences

Answer Key

The compound sentences below have been analyzed using the symbols

[ ] _ _ ( )

to identify the parts of each sentence, as follows:

Exercise C: Compound Sentences

1. [Stonehenge] _is_ a massive stone monument, now (in ruins) (in southern England,) and* its most striking [feature] _is_ a circle (of rectangular stone columns.)

2. [Scholars] _have speculated_ (for years) (about Stonehenge), and* [scholars] _have attributed_ its construction (to different groups) (of people).

3. The most widely accepted [theory] (for hundreds) (of years) _credited_ the Celts (with the construction); the [Celts] _were living_ (in England) (at the time) (of the Roman Conquest).

4. However, (according to twentieth-century archeology), the [Celts] _arrived_ (in England) (after the construction) (of Stonehenge), so* [they] _could not have created_ this masterpiece.

Exercise D: Compound Sentences

1 [Archeologists] (through the years) _have speculated_ (about the purpose) (of Stonehenge), but* [nobody] _has determined_ the original use (of this Stone Age ruin). 2 (Because of its orientation) (toward the rising sun), some [archeologists] _see_ it (as an ancient astronomical observatory), and* [others] _see_ it (as the centerpiece) (of an ancient religious cult). 3 [It] _might have been_ a monument (to an important religious or political person), or* [visitors] (from outer space) _might have left_ it. 4 Perhaps this massive stone [structure] _was_ first _built_ (as a religious structure); [it] _might have been_ later _modified_ (for an astronomical purpose). 5 (According to recent research), [sightings] (from certain stones) _can predict_ the movements (of the sun and the moon) and _can predict_ eclipses; however, [we] _can_ only _theorize_ (about the original purpose) (of Stonehenge).

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