Editing for Punctuation

Copy this file and paste it into your word processor. Using the following symbols, show how the errors should be edited.

\-aaa\ = omit the word or phrase aaa
\+aaa\ = add the word or phrase aaa
\aaa > bbb\ = change the word or phrase aaa to bbb

Refer to Correction Symbols, as necessary. After editing the paragraphs, check the answer key.

Exercise 10A Historians and Archeologists

Find the 20 places with missing punctuation; then, make the appropriate revisions.

1 Both historians and archeologists study mankinds past. 2 Historians depend on the written word and focus on documents from the past. 3 In contrast, archeologists study the past in terms of things that people made and left behind. 4 While the historian concentrates on the nonmaterial aspects of a culture the archeologist focuses his attention on the material aspects. 5 Material culture consists of artifacts like tools, weapons charms art objects utensils and buildings. 6 Even a human burial in a grave is an artifact. 7 The grave pit is an artifact and the skeleton arranged in a particular way is considered an artifact. 8 A paved road is an artifact and a stone knife is an artifact. 9 Each artifact is important in an archeologists explanation of the past. 10 Because the kinds of artifacts from past cultures are so different there are many divisions and specializations within archeology. 11 Some divisions concentrate on ancient civilizations like the Greek Roman Egyptian Chinese or Aztec. 12 Others are regional divisions that study the civilizations of Europe Africa North America South America or Asia. 13 Because of the diversity of archeology, it is difficult to classify but only archeology provides a scientific overall view of human existence from mankinds earliest beginnings to the present.

Exercise 10B Earthquakes

Find the 20 places with incorrect punctuation; then, make the appropriate revisions.

1 Early people had many explanations for earthquakes. 2 In one theory, the Earth was attached to a platform. 3 The sun moon and stars revolved around the Earth and it's platform. 4 When the platform moved earthquakes happened. 5 In one culture, this platform was a great spider; in other cultures, this platform was a giant catfish, tortoise, or whale. 6 Artistotles four elements of the universe - air earth fire and water - were also used to explain earthquakes. 7 As hot masses of underground air struggled to escape the ground shook. 8 According to scientists today, most of the worlds earthquakes are caused by the mobility of the Earths surface. 9 It is estimated that there is 1 great earthquake 10 major earthquakes 1,000 damaging shocks and 100,000 minor shocks each year. 10 In addition any area that has had earthquakes in the past can expect others in the future. 11 In rugged areas, landslides occur with earthquakes. 12 However when an earthquake occurs near a city fire is often much more destructive to life and property than the tremors themselves. 13 For example, in the San Francisco earthquake of April 18 1906 property damage of the quake was estimated at $20 million but the fire that followed was estimated at $40 million in damages. 14 Earthquakes still frighten many people today.

From Improving the Grammar of Written English: The Editing Process, Beverly Benson and Patricia Byrd

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Marsha Chan
English as a Second Language Department
Mission College
3000 Mission College Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA 95054-1897
(408) 855-5314