Editing for Articles
Answer Key

Changes are shown in boldface type.

Exercise 9A The Sundial

Seventeen articles (the) are missing from the original paragraph.

1 \S > The s\undial is probably \+the\ most ancient of scientific instruments. 2 This instrument tells time by measuring \+the\ passage of \+the\ sun through \+the\ sky. 3 Ancient men measured time by placing a stick in \+the\ ground and by watching \+the\ movement of its shadow. 4 \+The\ Egyptians and \+the\ Greeks constructed \+the\ first sundials, which divided each day into equal intervals called hours. 5 By A.D. 150, Greek mathematicians used trigonometry to plot hour lines. 6 Sundials were used from \+the\ sixteenth to \+the\ nineteenth centuries as \+the\ primary way of telling time. 7 Because sundial time (or solar time) is not \+the\ same as clock time, \+the\ development of mechanical clock and \+the\ adoption of standard time in nineteenth century caused \+the\ sundial to lose its practical value. 8 Nonetheless, sundials are sometimes still used today.


  1. generic n
  2. superlative
  3. phrase, the n1 of n2
  4. unique, the only one
  5. unique
  6. setting, unique
  7. parts of a whole, the n1 of n2
  8. category including all: Eqyptian people = The Eqyptians, deaf people = the deaf
  9. category including all
  10. superlative
  11. ordinal number
  12. ordinal number
  13. superlative meaning: primary = most important
  14. phrase: the same ... as
  15. phrase, the n1 of n2
  16. phrase, the n1 of n2
  17. generic n

Exercise 9B Diamonds

Ten articles (a or the) are missing from the original paragraph.

1 Diamonds, \+the\ most precious of all gems, and graphite, \+the\ mineral that is used in pencils, are both composed of \+the\ element carbon. 2 What makes diamonds different from graphite is \+the\ way that its carbon atoms are bonded together. 3 In \+a\ diamond, each carbon atom is bonded with four neighboring carbon atoms under extreme heat and pressure. 4 \+The\ octahedron crystal that is formed is \+the\ hardest known mineral. 5 Diamonds have been valued for centuries because of their rarity and their exceptional hardness. 6 Because only about 20 percent of all diamonds mined are suitable for cutting into gemstones, \+the\ rest are used for industrial purposes. 7 Today, diamonds have become \+the\ most important industrial abrasive, and they are almost indispensable as a grinding material in \+a\ wide range of industrial applications.


  1. superlative
  2. I think it's the essential mineral (unique, the only one), so use the. If I'm wrong, and it's only one of several minerals, use a. Do you know?
  3. The specifies which element.
  4. unique, the only one
  5. any diamond: a. I think you could also use the as generic, too.
  6. The specifies which crystal.
  7. superlative
  8. unique
  9. superlative
  10. one of many

[Ex 9AB] [Go to class at cvc.blackboard.com] [marsha_chan@wvmccd.cc.ca.us]

Marsha Chan
English as a Second Language Department
Mission College
3000 Mission College Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA 95054-1897
(408) 855-5314