################################################################# # ReadMe: live service # # # ################################################################# The live service is an Adobe-built application that lets you stream live media to users without writing any code. Flash Media Streaming Server only runs Adobe-built applications, also called "signed" applications. Flash Media Interactive Server and Flash Media Development Server support unsigned (user-created) applications. If you're using one of these server editions, you can modify the live service source code to create your own applications. ================================================================ Deploying an unsigned live service ================================================================ To deploy an unsigned live service: 1. Create a new folder inside the {FMS-Install-Dir}/applications/ folder. 2. If you are replacing the default Adobe signed live service, back up the following files: * main.far * Application.xml * allowedHTMLDomains.txt * allowedSWFDomains.txt 3. Copy files from ${FMS-Install-Dir}/samples/applications/live to the directory you created in step 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For information about using and configuring the vod service, see the Developer Guide (flashmediaserver_dev_guide.pdf) in the {FMS-Install-Dir}/documentation folder. For information about troubleshooting the vod service, see the Installation Guide (flashmediaserver_install.pdf) in the same location.